Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dear Xiomi,

I am sure you are happy to be home with you family. I know i have been enjoying my time with mine. It is my mom's birthday today (i told her you said happy birthday) and we had a pretty good time. We went out to eat Ethiopian food (sooo goood!) and then did presents and a movie. We watched this movie called Surfwise. It is about this family that took off across the country in a 24ft long trailer/car - 9 kids and just surfed. It was a crazy story, and they all seem a little too far from balance for me to want to live that way. But there was something really beautiful about the freedom and detachment from some of the stuff that holds people down, i think. It made me miss the ocean and also made me want to just go. You know? I just want to go and see and experience. I don't want to let go of those i love, or that which i feel responsible for... i don't know.
Anyway, i was just thinking about you. i hope all of your loved ones are doing well and staying warm. i am wanting to plan a trip to go to the MOMA so maybe i can meet you half way?
we will see.
let me know when you get the box i sent.



your photos are beautiful.
and i hope you never got rid of those "demo" ones, because i'll take them!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our Powers Combined

As most of ya'll peeps know, both of us (Sarah and Xiomara) are living on Diamond St., and yes I know that Diamond Girls is over the top and it does not truly describe us. Rest assured, we have never owned any diamonds (and probably never will: mostly out of choice). Anyhow, we wanted to represent our temporary nest, a home sweet home.
True business is a slang term that we are borrowing from our deaf brothers and sisters; it is the equivalent of "word" or a term of positive agreement. We both were feelin' the term and we promise to use it with respect for where it comes from.

We will be posting moments from our nest and from where our paths overlap, and some about where they don't.

I hope that you check in and see what we are up too. For those of you we know, this is our way of keeping you updated and spreading the love. For those of you we don't know, this is our way of saying hello. For starters, enjoy the image behind our blog title; it is the first of many more to come.

Sarah and Xiomara